Boxer Holiday Cards to Print at Home

Every Year I try to find unique holiday cards with Boxers on them. Last Year I wrote about cards that can be bought. But for this Year the goal is to create cards from home as a DIY project. That got me review the collection of images I have of Annie. The intention is to … Read more

Outward Hound Multi Puzzle Interactive Treat Puzzle Review

Dog Puzzle

The latest toy that Annie my Boxer girl got is the Outward Hound Multi Puzzle Interactive Treat Puzzle Dog Toy. The intention was to give Annie a toy to have some stimulating activity without having me or my wife play with her. Before purchasing an interactive treat puzzle, it is worth looking into the toy’s … Read more

Happy Valentines Day Letter

Annie in Valentines hearth with I love You written in banner

One morning I was lying in bed and talking to my wife about Annie’s Blog and mentioned that the Dear Santa Letter is surprisingly still being searched for and visited months after Christmas. Then my wife asked me, why don’t you write a Valentines’ letter for Annie? My first thought was, she is just sarcastic … Read more

Dear Santa Letter

Annie the Boxer dog on a Merry Christmas card

A Dear Santa Letter, Yes it is that time of Year again. And instead of writing another factual and well researched article. I feel it is time for something a bit more lighthearted, creative and fun. We all could use a little bit of cheer in our life right about now. That got me thinking. … Read more